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Tutorial notes due: September 30
Tutorials will be held Sunday, November 17 and Monday November 18, 2002

The tutorials at the SC conferences are one of the highlights of the technical program and a key reason for many people to attend the conference. The tutorials provide attendees with opportunities to learn from, and interact with, internationally recognized experts on topics related to high performance computing ranging across technological trends, theory, and practice.

The goal of the Tutorials Program is to provide a broad range of technically enriching courses to SC2002 conference attendees. As such, proposals are being solicited, ranging from introductory to advanced levels, in topics related to high performance computing and communications.

Tutorials Schedule at a Glance

SUNDAY, FULL DAY (8:30-5:00)
S1 Intermediate MPI-1: A Practical Approach for Programmers
S2 Tools and Methods for Performance Modeling and Prediction
S3 Component Software for High-Performance Computing: Using the Common Compenent Architecture
S4 Cluster Computing the OSCAR Way
S5 Java for High Performance Computing: Performance and Parallelisation
S6 InfiniBand Architecture and what does it bring to high performance computing
S7 Applied CFD Techniques
S8 Opportunities and Challenges in Computational Biology
SUNDAY, HALF DAY AM (8:30-12:00)
S9 Intro to Grid Computing
S10 The Storage Resource Broker
S11 Requirements Analysis for Scientific Apps
S12 Dual-Level Parallelism Techniques
SUNDAY, HALF DAY PM (1:30-5:00)

Open Grid Services Architecture

S14 DoD Sensor Processing: Applications and Supporting Software Technologies
S15 An Introduction to the Totalview Debugger
S16 Scalable Performance Optimizations for Dynamic Applications
MONDAY, FULL DAY (8:30-5:00)
M1 Using MPI-2: Advanced Features of the Message Passing Interface

A Tutorial Introduction to Infrastructure for the Analysis and Mining of Globally Distributed Data


Developing HPC Scientific and Engineering Applications: From the Laptop to the Grid

M4 Reconfigurable Supercomputing
M5 Performance Programming: Theory, Practice, and Case Studies
M6 Supercomputing: The Rewards and the Reality
M7 Trends in Computer Security for Open Scientific Facilities
M9 High-Performance Visualization of Large and Complex Scientific Datasets
MONDAY, HALF DAY AM (8:30-12:00)
M10 Performance Tools 101: Build Your Own Tools!
M11 Introduction to Parallel Programming with OpenMP
M12 High Performance Networking
MONDAY, HALF DAY PM (1:30-5:00)
M13 Cluster Design Rules:Effective Cluster Design with Commodity Parts
M14 Advanced Topics in OpenMP
M15 Optical Technologies & GRID Networking


SC2002 Tutorials Committee
Jeff Kuehn, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Chair
Richard Barrett, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Deputy Chair
Victor Bandy, TRW
Virginia Bedford, Arctic Region Supercomputing Center
Mary-Kay Bunde, Etnus, LLC
Candy Culhane, Department of Defense
Eric Greenwade, Idaho National Engineering and Environment Laboratory
Marty Itzkowitz, Sun Microsystems, Inc
Gabriele Jost, NASA Ames/Computer Sciences Corporation
Elizabeth Jurrus, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Charles Koelbel, Rice University
Glenn Luecke, Iowa State University
Robert Sinkovits, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Lauren Smith, National Security Agency
John Sopka, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Leslie Southern, Ohio Supercomputer Center
Alan Sussman, University of Maryland
Timothy Toole, Sandia National Laboratories
Jim Tuccillo, IBM
James White III, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

For more information
Jeff Kuehn, kuehn@scd.ucar.edu
Richard Barrett, rbarrett@lanl.gov