Plenary Sessions/Invited Speakers

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SC2002 invited speakers include some of the world’s biggest names in high performance computing and networking research. These talks provide attendees with information that comes straight from the sources—the people involved in the most cutting-edge research and those who create the technological innovations that will change our world. Among this year’s speakers will be NSF Director Rita Colwell, who will deliver the keynote address on Tuesday morning, and Tetsuya Sato, director-general of the Earth Simulator Center in Yokohama, Japan, home of the world’s fastest supercomputer. All plenary sessions will be Netcast, taking advantage of the unique capabilities of SCinet to deliver high-quality audio and video broadcasts available on the Internet.

Invited Speakers Chair
Katherine Yelick, University of California, Berkeley
Parry Husbands, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Plenary Speakers

Tuesday November 19, 8:30-10:00am

Dr. Rita R. Colwell
Director, National Science Foundation

Keynote Address: Computing: Getting Us on the Path to Wisdom

Wednesday November 20, 8:30-9:15am

Raymond L. Orbach
Director of the Department of Energy Office of Science

Title: High End Computation and Scientific Discovery

Wednesday November 20, 9:15-10:00am

Julian Borrill
Staff Scientist, Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley

Title: Computing the Cosmos: from Big Bang to Black Holes

Thursday November 21, 8:30-9:15am

Tetsuya Sato
Director-General, The Earth Simulator Center
, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (JAMSTEC)

Title: The Earth Simulator

Thursday November 21, 9:15-10:00

Ron Kikinis
Harvard Medical School

Title: High Performance Computing for Image Guided Therapy